Mojo Bags

If you have a specific intention, I can create a collection of crystals relevant to that particular goal.  Some examples may be calm, joy, weight loss, grounding, grieving, sleep, abundance...

Since each person's need is unique, I will have a  phone conversation with you to determine what crystals might be most effective for your intention.

Bags will then be specifically created for you.  Prices will vary depending upon the crystals used and will be agreed upon prior to completion.

Crystal Grids

Crystal grids are layouts of crystals created with special intentions in mind.  They are tools that join the power of crystal energy and sacred geometry in order to assist in the manifestation of your intentions. 

Crystal grids generally include a center stone, and two other varieties of crystals along with crystal points for amplification of the energy.  

Crystals are selected based on your specific intention.  A phone conversation will help us determine the best crystals for you.  

Prices will vary and be agreed upon in advance.

Crystal Classes

Informational classes such as Introduction to Crystals, Crystal Gridding, and Introduction to Chakras are held occasionally throughout the year.  Please check the website and follow us on Facebook for information on upcoming classes.

Introduction to Chakras class

Individual Crystals Also Available

Call or email for pricing.